There seems to be a number of features that eclipse has that we need to make available in our RCP application. One such feature that many like to have in their RCP application is the eclipse’s default workspace launcher.This mainly applies to those RCP applications that has a project stuff nature. One point or other I also wanted the same mechanism to work in my rcp application. After all if eclipse can do application should also do that. So i started exploring the eclipse code. What I could find was most of these goodies are present inside org.eclipse.ui.ide.application plugin which I dont need in my rcp application.
But there is an alternative. I can copy the interesting functions from the ‘’ to my RCP application’s ‘’. And the results “BINGO” I got what I need.
You can find the full source to my from here. Please back up ur existing file as it will be easy to revert changes if anything goes wrong.
Hope this helps some one. Please leave comments/Suggestions/Queries
Anoop Menon
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